Learn more about ESG Reporting
How does an ESG benefit my business?
The top 10 features of a good ESG report
Together with our partner ESG PRO, we work with clients across Asia, the USA, and Europe. We believe the real need is to assist organisations who don’t have the resources of the global conglomerates because they’re finding a lack of affordable and effective resource.
There are vast numbers of small and medium-sized businesses as well as organisations which are in the not-for-profit sector, public bodies (such as schools), and other institutions whose efforts to improve can deliver significant improvements for society.
Undertaking ESG reporting makes every organisation stronger and more competitive. It’s as pertinent to a small law firm, builder, or school as it is to a ‘brand name’.
Why ESG is not a pass or fail?
The correct emphasis for ESG is continuous improvement. No organisation is perfect. And it’s because of this that we take our clients through to a formal ESG rating: an industry specific index which reflects where they are on their overall ESG journey.
Since ESG consulting is about guiding organisations as to how to have a positive impact upon the people they employ, the environment, and upon society as a whole, no one should fear a bad rating unless they truly do have some awful governance!